
Jack Donner

Astonished by the intricate maze of society and how humans have come from nature to industrializing, I focus on cityscapes and the identity that is present within. My primary work is in the studio collections folder, with all my cityscapes painted in acrylic. Inspired by a place close to me, San Francisco, I use my photography as a reference for some of my paintings. I also use maps as a base to illustrate industrialized societies and cities through my eyes.

In the digital collections, I show this using fashion and street art-inspired ideas to connect it back to my overall message. It also allows others to view my art differently with the diverse media I use.

With much symbolism in my art, the central goal is to create pieces that others can enjoy and understand. Another significant goal is to create art that is distinctive and can leave an impact on the world in its meaning and visuals.


It all begins with the eyes. Maybe it turns into an idea. Maybe it becomes a drawing. Or perhaps it never sees the light of day. Art is as visual as it is mental. Ideas formulate in your head, trying to connect the dots so you can share your message with others. Everyone has their path and this is mine.