Mapping it Out
Who creates? How does the scale of a city contribute to the continuance of time? This piece largely focuses on the scale of a city through not only the size but also the diversity in architecture. To contribute to the never-ending streets of a city, I used simplistic yellow shades for the small buildings to make it seem like it was disappearing over the horizon. Reflections were added in the street, but the map remains transparent. The map contributes to innovation and expansion, which continues to happen in all aspects of society. There is also the inclusion of an opaque bottle in the street. This is to illustrate how everyday objects exist with endless time and how the object’s life is thought to be limited to its use.
The parking sign and the pink and beige building in the images on the left both come from photos taken while exploring San Francisco. I included aspects of the city through a theatre in the third image above to illuminate the popularity of theatre in New York. The fourth photo, while hard to see, illustrates a broken bottle to show my idealistic views of cities when, in reality, the streets are littered with trash.